Smart 450 2005 remote key tried with Autel IM608 but no joy.
FAIL, cannot communicate with ECU error.
Has anyone successful doing Smart 450 remote by Autel?
Autel doesn’t do 450 smart. Have to choose other tool. 451 is working.
Autel im508/im608 failed
Zedfull failed
Lonsdor k518ise failed.
Fvdi easy under smart or under Mitsubishi colt 2006, five minutes fvdi do it.
Tcode smart pro and fvdi2018 ok doit akl not have any problems with 450.
And AVDI, OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus works good on this model.
X300 DP Plus never failed. It’s doing 450, 451, 454 without problems. If you want to program key with two buttons you need change relay.
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