VAS 5054A ODIS 3.0.3 VCI not defined solution

Here is the solution to VAS 5054A Bluetooth interface serial number and ID VCI not defined error.
When i tried to connect VAS5054A ODIS 3.0.3 scanner with computer, it failed to connect, it shown me Serial Number and ID VCI defined.

Error cause:
You select both USB and Bluetooth connection. Because you have connected Bluetooth via COM4, and activated the USB connection as the same time.
So ODIS will not define you VCI interface.
If you have connect the vas 5054a via Bluetooth, then do not connect USB, vice versa.

The diagnostic base system can access the VAS5054A via Bluetooth or USB.
Access via Bluetooth: After a connection to the VAS 5054A has been set up, the Bluetooth software provides a virtual serial COM port (Bluetooth Serial Port Profile). The Diagnostic Base System uses this COM port to communicate with the VAS 5054A ODIS.You need to specify this port when you install the diagnostic application.

Access via USB: You can also connect the VAS 5054A to the application PC by using the supplied USB cable. Windows detects the VAS 5054A through Plug and Play, and automatically installs the drivers copied when you installed the diagnostic application. Setup of the VAS 5054A is then complete and the device is ready for use by the diagnostic application.

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