Here is the step-by-step instruction on clear radio theftlock for GM (GM, SAAB, OPEL, SUZUKI, ISUZU and HOLDEN) models with GM Tech 2 Scan Tool.
Tools needed:
GM Tech2 diagnostic scan tool
Candi interface
Tech II Theft-lock procedure:
Well setup CANDI module with GM Scan Tool Tech 2 main unit, connect Tech2 scanner with vehicle
1. Select “Diagnostics” at the Main Menu screen
2. At the “Vehicle Identification” screen, select the following options:
– Model Year >>> (radio came from an 04 Escalade or whatever)
–LD Trk, MPV, Incomplete;
3. Select “Body” at the “System Selection” Menu screen
4. At the “Vehicle Identification” screen, select the following:
– Appropriate model
– Appropriate Air Conditioning
– Navigation Radio
5. Select “Navigation Radio” at the “Body” screen
6. Select “Special Functions” at the “Radio” screen
7. Select “VIN Relearn” at the “Special Functions” screen
8. At the “VIN Relearn” screen, the Tech2 will display “Do you want to clear radio theft information?”
9. To begin clearing, press the soft touch key on the top right of the scan tool. The scan tool will display “Clearing Radio Theft in Progress.”
10. Press “EXIT” on the scan tool and cycle the ignition.
1. The radio theft will learn the VIN. Without learning the VIN, the radio will display a locked message (LOC or LOCKED).
2. Another way is to see if the sound works by installing the radio, and not turning the key to ON, just ACC. that will work the radio for a test.
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