Today so I want to show you how to remove the check light from your dashboard with an Xtool A80 pro
PS: What Does Your Check Engine Light Mean
The check engine light — more formally known as the malfunction indicator lamp — is a signal from the car’s engine computer that something is wrong.
When your car’s check engine light illuminates your dashboard, it’s usually accompanied by a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. The light could be a minor issue, such as a faulty gas cap, or it could mean something more serious, such as a misfiring engine.
Eg. Toyota 2017 Corolla check light turn on here
Process:Used Stool A80 Pro to turn off 2017 Co roll Check Engine Light
First of all ,Connect the A80PRO to the vehicle via OBD-port, then connecting XTOOL VCI to the vehicle via the main cable and connecting to the XTOOL tablet via Bluetooth
Connection diagram
Step 1: Read Engine & ECT trouble code
Select Diagnose>>Toyota>>USA>>Automatic detection>>w/o smartkey
Automatic detection result:
There are six errors here on Engine and ECT
Then back to select >>Read trouble code
Tips to Engine and ECT:
This ECU controls fuel Injection, Ignition timing, knock control. Idling engine speed, self-diagnosis function, and backup function In extraordinary circumstances,s, etc..Additionally, It controls automatic transmission
Step 2: Clear Engine and ECT trouble code
>>Clear Trouble Code>>OK>>OK to erase to done
Finally, turn on the ignition to check the dashboard again, the engine warning light disappears.
Woks done! Thanks for your watching!
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