How to choose the best BMW Mileage Correction Tool/Software?

Where to buy the Best BMW Mileage Correction Tool/Software?

It’s a buying guide of how to choose a bmw Car Diagnostic Tools mileage correction tool/software of high quality at a good price on OBD2 Tools .

You have 2 options, 1 buy a speefilter OEM from us if the car is new, your client can control EVERY ECU km from day 1 with pressing a button on the steering wheel, second if your looking to make COMPLETE fix on bmws you’ll need more than 1 tool
1)You’ll need a tool like Digiprog 3 or something to do dashes
2)You’ll need something to do cas units, depending if you want to do obd2 or remove them
3)You’ll need cleaner software that can clean every ECU out of ANY model BMW, all 12-15 ecu’s per car and every km record, even DME/DDE

The one thing that I have only seen on 1 tool is the removal of all 4 cas3/3+ history KM’s, thats right its not just 1 KM that needs to be changed with all these hi end tools as well, there are aside from the main one inside eeprom, which syncs with dash and keys, there are 3 HISTORY KM’s that the unit stores as well.

Digimaster 3 for odo and R280, R270 for cas, newer models (Fxx) need canfilter!

FVDI clone not good!

ALL MODULES CAN BE DONE, and OVER OBD2 very easily in fact. That’s number 1, number 2 Fxx do not need canfilters, if you need to repair the km if there too far to use a speedfilter to stop km you can do like me, change our cas4 unit completely with one that is ordered for the car’s vin, do the dash and they will sync. Then use sw to do all the other ecus

Digimaster 3 is the best mileage correction tool for BMW CAS 2000-2016.
Share a 2000-2016 BMW CAS models list on mileage correction and key programming,follow the list, you can check the corresponding CAS modules.

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