I just purchased the Autel MaxiAP200 OBDII and hooked it up to my 2018 Granturismo Sport. It was simple and guided me as I went using my Samsung phone. It pretty much walked me through the steps and took like 10 seconds to connect. All I did was run a scan and it worked.
I actually scanned the codes and that worked great. Had a couple on stuff like something to do with passenger door etc, and it cleared them all out to pass. I also went to service section to look at where I will clear light out and it has a place to reset oil light.
Moreover, MaxiAP200 does reset the maintenance interval light on my 09 QP S. I was actually a bit surprised by the features as it tested and diagnosed all of the vehicles systems (nodes) including our favorite Skyhook suspension system which has been giving me a Check Suspension message for a month. Code for R front accelerator sensor. Verified and soon to be replaced.
PS: when you set MaxiAP200 up, you get the first auto free.(Included in purchase price.) If you add other autos, the charge is additional. The cool thing is if you have 10 cars, it will supposedly work on all. You just have to pay for each additional one. One car is covered though.
This is the procedure on how to use Autel MaxiAP200 to reset “Service is due” maintenance light on Maserati:
Steps should be :
Download the MaxiAP200 app on android or iphone ( I had an iphone or any other Phone)
Then if you have the latest maxiap200 app
should look like the image attached here :
click on diagnostics,
then under diagnostics (you should see DEMO and EOBD options) click the + button and itll take you to MAIL tab
look for the Maserati name on the list
click on it and if its the first one youve downloaded it should give you the option to download the software for free and it will download a second app called DIAG-EUROPE
Maserati firmware should be V2.00
and then once thats downloaded it gives you all the same options to run codes/erase codes , etc
The masterati code runner runs through the DIAG-EUROPE app addon AFTER you have the maxiap200 installed
To sum up
This is what I show you exactly how to do a Maserati service light reset with Autel MaxiAP AP200. You know how it says services do basically you can’t reset it anyway, you have to go through a dealership is what they say, get it cleared with a computer and that’s true, you can’t manually click any buttons like a normal Toy Auto, click the gas pedal whatever hold three seconds and I haven’t found a way to do that yeah and I don’t think there’s a way because it has to go through the computer, so everything goes through the OBD.
So today I gave you a little tutorial on how to do it yourself, that’s what you want to do if you change your own oil and you want to do your own reset light, this would be the route to go.
Look at the scanner Autel MaxiAP AP200, it is pretty cool, this is the hyper tough scanner that you can get.
Autel MaxiAP AP200 is one of the scanners where it has exactly all sixteen pins on unlike the blue driver that have about 8-9 pins, so this can do absolutely everything that any other professional scanner can do because it’s got enough pins too.
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