Make Star C3 2021.03 Xentry work on W204

Star C3 Star diagnostic system failed to work on W204? Here is the customer solution. You are at your risk!


I have DELL D630 with Xentry 03/2021 and  Star C3 multiplexer. I have connected many cars (W202, W203, W210, W211, W245, etc) and there is no problem with connection – everything is working like a charm. Some days ago, I have bought W204 C280 from 2007. After I choose model, engine and transmission, and I go to diagnostic I see this:

“The diagnosis application is being started…”


and few seconds later this:

“Initialization of the multiplexer has failed”


My Mux is not compatible with W204? I searched few hours without success.

Customer solution:
W204 and X204 is the last models which working without some special modifications.
You can try:

First try in toolkit.ini delete line skipcomports=all and set line usecomport=2 then you will see in SDconnect toolkit PartD on display after mux connection.

First save your original file for sure.

Try look into C:\Userdata\Config\Xentry\driver – slave.ini and set there com port which you have used for PartD.


There was no change because I didn’t restarted system. After restart work perfect.

Your solution work perfectly! Probem solved. Everything is working like a charm. solution:

If you need to deal with newer models, better go for SD Connect C4 or Xentry C5 diagnostic system.

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